The Erin Crowley Foundation was created in 2007 in memory of our lovely Erin, who bravely battled childhood cancer. The foundation supports numerous organizations in Austin, Texas including the Dell Children's Medical Center, the Ronald McDonald House, and a scholarship fund at St. Michael's Catholic Academy.
We hope you will take time to learn about Erin, her life, and the lives she touched and continues to touch through this organization. Thanks for visiting!
We hope you will take time to learn about Erin, her life, and the lives she touched and continues to touch through this organization. Thanks for visiting!
Latest News...
- May 5, 2016 - Mahsa Helforoush, a senior at Round Rock High School is the 2016 recipient of the Erin Crowley Scholarship.
- RMHC and McDonalds owners of Central Texas award Erin Crowley Scholarship on May 14, 2013 to Rini Sinha.
- We have a new blog post from May, 2013 - 9 Years Later
- You can now DONATE ONLINE to the Erin Crowley Foundation!
2016 Winner of the Erin Crowley Scholarship is Mahsa Helforoush
of Round Rock High School On Thursday, May 5, 2016 Erin was again remembered with the awarding of the RMHC/McDonald's Owner-Operators scholarship which bears her name. Debbie and Erin's Aunt Diane attended the annual event at the Double Tree Hotel at 15th and Guadalupe in Austin. As has been the case for all the previous years, the student receiving the recognition is a model student and community service leader in her school. Mahsa attends Round Rock High School and will graduate at the end of May. The $4000 scholarship will aid her at the University of North Texas while she pursues a degree in Pharmacology. She was thrilled to learn more about Erin at this website and felt very honored to win the award bearing Erin's name. Erin would have loved her! Debbie spoke briefly about her favorite quote: "There are just two bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots, the other wings." and challenged the students there to not only go out to do great things, but to build great relationships remembering always that they each have the ability to touch a life every day. The world will never be the same again because of that. |
Rini Sinha is awarded the 2013 Erin Crowley Scholarship.
Debbie and Kevin attended the RMHC and McDonalds owners' award dinner the night of May 14, 2013 and happily posed with this year's recipient. Twenty-five other $1000 scholarships were given to area Seniors. Rini received $4000 from the Erin Crowley Scholarship. Debbie shared the following words with all the RMHC scholars and their families that night at the dinner.

"Thank you to McDonald's restaurant owner - operators and RMHC for the honor bestowed in Erin’s memory. Thank you for this opportunity to speak and to help present the scholarship that bears her name. My son Kevin joins me tonight for this special annual occasion for our family.
Congratulations to all of you. I am honored to get to know a little about you and to be here with you and your families tonight. You are all winners. Your resumes are impressive; your future is bright; you have so much to give! You are WOW kids! For that you should be proud. I know your parents are proud of you. My daughter Erin was a Wow kid too. She was perched on the edge of a fantastic future, just like you. The whole world was before her, but her future turned out a little differently. I mention this not to make you sad but instead to share what has become to me a lesson of inspiration - one that I learned with Erin's help – while she was alive AND after her death - and one that I hope you will carry away with you tonight.
You’ve heard that Erin was a recipient of a similar scholar’s award in 2007. For 5 years she had been fighting a brain tumor. She had surgery, chemotherapy, two relapses, an autologous stem cell transplant and she lost her hair three times. But throughout Erin's fight with cancer amazingly we experienced many blessings. That may be hard to believe but it was so true. And perhaps the biggest blessing was how Erin and her story touched so many people in the five years she lived it and now through this wonderful scholarship bearing her name. On Erin's monument we had these words etched in stone "she touched us all". I share this with you so you will know that in all your accomplishments both past, present and yet to come; in all your awards; in all your community service, everyday meetings, in work, in play, and even in sorrow never forget the power you will have to touch and influence all those around you. The connections you will make will be what people will remember about you. You may be the life line for some despairing person or the voice who gives reassurance and guidance to a friend who needs it. You have the ability to be all of that and more to others. So as I love to hear of all your accomplishments, don’t forget the people around you and your effect on them. We all have a place in the world to fill, but we won’t fill it alone. We are all together.
I leave you with a favorite quote from William Paul Young, author of The Shack:
“Because you are important, everything you do is important. Every time you forgive, the universe changes. Every time you reach out and touch a heart or a life, the world changes. With every kindness and service, seen or unseen, God’s purposes are accomplished, and nothing will ever be the same again.”
Congratulations again to all of you and especially to the winner of the 2013 Erin Crowley Scholarship, Rini Sinha."
Debbie Crowley, Erin's Mom
Congratulations to all of you. I am honored to get to know a little about you and to be here with you and your families tonight. You are all winners. Your resumes are impressive; your future is bright; you have so much to give! You are WOW kids! For that you should be proud. I know your parents are proud of you. My daughter Erin was a Wow kid too. She was perched on the edge of a fantastic future, just like you. The whole world was before her, but her future turned out a little differently. I mention this not to make you sad but instead to share what has become to me a lesson of inspiration - one that I learned with Erin's help – while she was alive AND after her death - and one that I hope you will carry away with you tonight.
You’ve heard that Erin was a recipient of a similar scholar’s award in 2007. For 5 years she had been fighting a brain tumor. She had surgery, chemotherapy, two relapses, an autologous stem cell transplant and she lost her hair three times. But throughout Erin's fight with cancer amazingly we experienced many blessings. That may be hard to believe but it was so true. And perhaps the biggest blessing was how Erin and her story touched so many people in the five years she lived it and now through this wonderful scholarship bearing her name. On Erin's monument we had these words etched in stone "she touched us all". I share this with you so you will know that in all your accomplishments both past, present and yet to come; in all your awards; in all your community service, everyday meetings, in work, in play, and even in sorrow never forget the power you will have to touch and influence all those around you. The connections you will make will be what people will remember about you. You may be the life line for some despairing person or the voice who gives reassurance and guidance to a friend who needs it. You have the ability to be all of that and more to others. So as I love to hear of all your accomplishments, don’t forget the people around you and your effect on them. We all have a place in the world to fill, but we won’t fill it alone. We are all together.
I leave you with a favorite quote from William Paul Young, author of The Shack:
“Because you are important, everything you do is important. Every time you forgive, the universe changes. Every time you reach out and touch a heart or a life, the world changes. With every kindness and service, seen or unseen, God’s purposes are accomplished, and nothing will ever be the same again.”
Congratulations again to all of you and especially to the winner of the 2013 Erin Crowley Scholarship, Rini Sinha."
Debbie Crowley, Erin's Mom